in all seriousness the website and the downloads on it are perfectly safe. if it stays on your computer long enough it forces you to make a voicebank and oto it. Its something ive been well aware of and completely get why some people dont like it at all. Hi I want to start making vocaloid type music and i heard that utau was free i just want to know what site is the correct site to download it. unfortunately if you download utau you get a virus on your computer called utau that will make you start 75 utau covers and never finish any of them. All the files you'll need are:-the UTAU program and a voicebank (you're in the wrong tutorial if you need info on this)-a midi file with a vocal track (I just googled it) (this midi is in mode 0, the incompatible to be used with UTAU)-and, finally, a program to work with midis. This tutorial will use a freeware midi creator. if someone wants to correct me on this tho feel free lol Welcome to this tutorial of importing midi into UTAU.

its not like theres defined legal statement about using Squidward's voice or Sonic's, but it would likely be within the owner's rights to ask someone to stop- and in turn it could create backlash against UTAU itself. but its hard to define how that could happen, as i imagine the legal trouble would happen if you tried to redistribute the bank and the owner of the voice source wanted to take action. as far as i recall reading the utau TOS it states that doing such things are technically against the TOS because it could get UTAU into legal trouble because UTAU is the program being used to do this.
Open Wineskin Winery, and click on the plus (+) to install a new engine. Click to expand.ill be real its kind of vague in some places. Unzip the UTAU installer and leave it as it is.